Frequently asked questions


What represent ? is a free service for receiving SMS.
How can i use this service ?
Select a phone number listed on main web page, and wait until SMS is catched by our server.
What countries are currently available ?
Countries that have numbers for receiving SMS are: France, Germany, Greece, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Thailand, United Kingdom, USA, and more ...
What is the price for this service ?
This service for receiving SMS is FREE.
Can i buy private numbers ?
For the moment we not sell private numbers.
How long does it take that the SMS message to appear on the site?
The SMS message will appear on site in seconds, after is received.
How long are valid numbers?
The numbers are valid from a few days to a month.
Why can't I see the SMS message on the site?
We cannot guarantee that all messages reach to us, because it is the responsibility of the network operators to deliver the message to our numbers.



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